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Rechargeable Stand Fan

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Factory Wholesale 16Inch Floor Stand Fan 18Inch Rechargeable Solar Powered Electric Fan With Solar Panel

Factory Isitolo esidayisa yonke impahla 16inch floor ukuma fan 18inch elishajekayo solar powered fan kagesi nge solar panel

  • Uhlolojikelele
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  • Imikhiqizo ehlobene
Factory Wholesale 16Inch Floor Stand Fan 18Inch Rechargeable Solar Powered Electric Fan With Solar Panel
Factory Wholesale 16Inch Floor Stand Fan 18Inch Rechargeable Solar Powered Electric Fan With Solar Panel
Factory Wholesale 16Inch Floor Stand Fan 18Inch Rechargeable Solar Powered Electric Fan With Solar Panel
Factory Wholesale 16Inch Floor Stand Fan 18Inch Rechargeable Solar Powered Electric Fan With Solar Panel
Factory Wholesale 16Inch Floor Stand Fan 18Inch Rechargeable Solar Powered Electric Fan With Solar Panel
Factory Wholesale 16Inch Floor Stand Fan 18Inch Rechargeable Solar Powered Electric Fan With Solar Panel
Factory Wholesale 16Inch Floor Stand Fan 18Inch Rechargeable Solar Powered Electric Fan With Solar Panel
Factory Wholesale 16Inch Floor Stand Fan 18Inch Rechargeable Solar Powered Electric Fan With Solar Panel
Factory Wholesale 16Inch Floor Stand Fan 18Inch Rechargeable Solar Powered Electric Fan With Solar Panel
Factory Wholesale 16Inch Floor Stand Fan 18Inch Rechargeable Solar Powered Electric Fan With Solar Panel
Factory Wholesale 16Inch Floor Stand Fan 18Inch Rechargeable Solar Powered Electric Fan With Solar Panel
Factory Wholesale 16Inch Floor Stand Fan 18Inch Rechargeable Solar Powered Electric Fan With Solar Panel
I-Factory Wholesale 16Inch Floor Stand Fan 18Inch Rechargeable Solar Powered Electric Fan Nge-Solar Panel ngu-Ani Technology yisisombululo sokupholisa esinokwethenjelwa nesisebenzayo. Lokhu fan iza osayizi ezimbili, 16 amayintshi kanye 18 amayintshi, futhi izici phansi ukuma design ukuzinza. Kuyinto elishajekayo futhi powered by amandla elanga, okwenza kube ukukhetha eco-friendly.


Izici eziyinhloko:
  • Itholakala ngosayizi angu-16 inch no-18 inch.
  • Floor ukuma ukuzinza.
  • Elishajekayo nge solar panel.
  • fan Electric for ukupholisa enamandla.


Izinhlelo zokusebenza:
Le fan ilungele ukusetshenziswa emakhaya, emahhovisi, nasezindaweni zangaphandle. Inganikeza impepho eqabulayo emakamelweni okuhlala, emakamelweni okulala, noma kuma-patios. Izici ezisebenzisa amandla elanga futhi ezishajekayo zenza kube ukukhetha okuqhubekayo kulabo abafuna ukunciphisa ukusetshenziswa kwabo kwamandla. Ngokutholakala kwe-factory wholesale, futhi kuyindlela enhle kakhulu yamabhizinisi nabasabalalisi.



Q: Iyiphi indlela yokukhokha oyamukelayo?

A: T / T, L / C, Western Union, Imali Gram, PayPal, Inkokhelo Secure, Trade Assurance.


Q: Iyini ikhwalithi yakho yomkhiqizo?

A: Izinto zethu zokusetshenziswa zithengwa kubathengisi abaqeqeshiwe, Futhi sineqembu eliqinile lokulawula ikhwalithi ukuqinisekisa ikhwalithi yethu yomkhiqizo.


Q: Ingabe wamukela OEM / ODM?

A: Samukela kokubili amaphrojekthi we-OEM ne-ODM. Sine professional uchwepheshe ithimba ukuklama nokuthuthukisa.


Q: Ngingayithola kuphi imininingwane enemininingwane mayelana nalo mkhiqizo? Ikhathalogi nohlu lwamanani?

A: Ngicela uxhumane nami ngemininingwane,ngiyabonga!



Umbuzo: Ungasebenza kanjani nathi?

A: Siqotho kakhulu ukwenza ibhizinisi nawe, ngokuvamile, ngemuva kwe-oda eliqinisekisiwe futhi idiphozi ikhokhwe, ukukhiqizwa okuningi kuzohlelwa.sizokugcina uthunyelwe mayelana nesimo sokukhiqiza. Uma sekuphelile, sizohlela umnyango wokuthunyelwa emnyango ehhovisi lakho lomhlaba wonke.


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