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DC Guzosie Fan

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LD-801 High Quality OEM New Products 12V DC Solar Fan With LiFePO4 Battery BLDC motor Solar Fan And Light Solar Powered Fan

LD-801 High Quality OEM New Products 12V DC Solar Fan Na LiFePO4 Batrị BLDC moto Solar Fan Na Ìhè Anyanwụ Kwadoro Fan

(1) Na-akwụ ụgwọ na panel anyanwụ

(2) BLDC Motor nwere akwụkwọ ikike afọ 2

(3) Nchaji na AC nkwụnye

(4) Remote akara

(5) LiFePO4 batrị

(6) 5V mmepụta Charge ekwentị mkpanaaka

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LD-801 High Quality OEM New Products 12V DC Solar Fan With LiFePO4 Battery BLDC motor Solar Fan And Light Solar Powered Fan
LD-801 High Quality OEM New Products 12V DC Solar Fan With LiFePO4 Battery BLDC motor Solar Fan And Light Solar Powered Fan
LD-801 High Quality OEM New Products 12V DC Solar Fan With LiFePO4 Battery BLDC motor Solar Fan And Light Solar Powered Fan
LD-801 High Quality OEM New Products 12V DC Solar Fan With LiFePO4 Battery BLDC motor Solar Fan And Light Solar Powered Fan
LD-801 High Quality OEM New Products 12V DC Solar Fan With LiFePO4 Battery BLDC motor Solar Fan And Light Solar Powered Fan
LD-801 High Quality OEM New Products 12V DC Solar Fan With LiFePO4 Battery BLDC motor Solar Fan And Light Solar Powered Fan
LD-801 High Quality OEM New Products 12V DC Solar Fan With LiFePO4 Battery BLDC motor Solar Fan And Light Solar Powered Fan
LD-801 High Quality OEM New Products 12V DC Solar Fan With LiFePO4 Battery BLDC motor Solar Fan And Light Solar Powered Fan
LD-801 High Quality OEM New Products 12V DC Solar Fan With LiFePO4 Battery BLDC motor Solar Fan And Light Solar Powered Fan
LD-801 High Quality OEM New Products 12V DC Solar Fan With LiFePO4 Battery BLDC motor Solar Fan And Light Solar Powered Fan
LD-801 High Quality OEM New Products 12V DC Solar Fan With LiFePO4 Battery BLDC motor Solar Fan And Light Solar Powered Fan
LD-801 High Quality OEM New Products 12V DC Solar Fan With LiFePO4 Battery BLDC motor Solar Fan And Light Solar Powered Fan
LD-801 High Quality OEM New Products 12V DC Solar Fan With LiFePO4 Batrị BLDC moto Solar Fan Na Light Solar Kwadoro Fan site Ani Technology bụ a top-notch guzo ofufe na-agwakọta elu technology na adigide ike. A na-emepụta fan a iji nye obi jụrụ oyi nke ọma na ìhè ya na ìhè ya jikọtara ọnụ. Ọ na-arụ ọrụ na ike 12V DC ma kwadoro ya site na batrị LiFePO4 na ike anyanwụ.


Key Atụmatụ:
  • Ihe owuwu dị elu maka ogologo oge.
  • 12V DC ọrụ na BLDC moto maka ume arụmọrụ.
  • Batrị LiFePO4 maka ike na-adịte aka.
  • Anyanwụ kwadoro maka eco-friendliness.
  • Integrated ìhè maka agbakwunyere arụmọrụ.


Onye ofufe a zuru oke maka iji ya na mpaghara ndị dị n'èzí dịka patios, ubi, na ebe a na-ama ụlọikwuu. A pụkwara iji ya mee ihe n'ime ụlọ n'oge ọkụ ọkụ ma ọ bụ na mpaghara ebe ịnweta ọkụ eletrik dị oke. Ike anyanwụ na ndabere batrị na-eme ka ọrụ na-aga n'ihu, ebe ìhè na-enye ìhè mgbe ọ dị mkpa.

LD-801 High Quality OEM New Products 12V DC Solar Fan With LiFePO4 Battery BLDC motor Solar Fan And Light Solar Powered Fan details

LD-801 High Quality OEM New Products 12V DC Solar Fan With LiFePO4 Battery BLDC motor Solar Fan And Light Solar Powered Fan details

LD-801 High Quality OEM New Products 12V DC Solar Fan With LiFePO4 Battery BLDC motor Solar Fan And Light Solar Powered Fan factory

LD-801 High Quality OEM New Products 12V DC Solar Fan With LiFePO4 Battery BLDC motor Solar Fan And Light Solar Powered Fan details

LD-801 High Quality OEM New Products 12V DC Solar Fan With LiFePO4 Battery BLDC motor Solar Fan And Light Solar Powered Fan supplier

LD-801 High Quality OEM New Products 12V DC Solar Fan With LiFePO4 Battery BLDC motor Solar Fan And Light Solar Powered Fan factory

LD-801 High Quality OEM New Products 12V DC Solar Fan With LiFePO4 Battery BLDC motor Solar Fan And Light Solar Powered Fan factory

LD-801 High Quality OEM New Products 12V DC Solar Fan With LiFePO4 Battery BLDC motor Solar Fan And Light Solar Powered Fan details

LD-801 High Quality OEM New Products 12V DC Solar Fan With LiFePO4 Battery BLDC motor Solar Fan And Light Solar Powered Fan manufacture

Ihe nlereanya


Ihe onwunwe



LiFePO4 batrị-12.8V * 5.8Ah


3 dị iche iche na-egbuke egbuke


AC 100-240V

Ugboro ugboro


Oge ọrụ

7awa / High ọsọ

35awa / Low ọsọ

Ụgwọ oge

8-10Awa zuru ezu ụgwọ

Ụgwọ egosi



* Site na njikwa dịpụrụ adịpụ.
* Ike ngosi
* Elu nwere ike ịgbanwe.


Nchọgharị metụtara