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Anyanwụ Guzosie Fan

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LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control

LD-3616 Wholesale elu àgwà 12V batrị anyanwụ rechargeable ofufe na ada ìhè anyanwụ panel na Remote Control

(1) 12 V mmepụta maka ikanam bulbs

(2) Na-akwụ ụgwọ na ike AC

(3) Na-akwụ ụgwọ na panel anyanwụ

(4) Remote akara

(5) 5V mmepụta Charge ekwentị mkpanaaka

  • Nchịkọta
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  • Metụtara Products
LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control
LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control
LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control
LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control
LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control
LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control
LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control
LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control
LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control
LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control
LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control
LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control

LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control manufacture

LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control supplier

LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control details

LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control supplier

LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control details

LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control manufacture

LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control supplier

LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control factory

LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control factory

LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control factory

LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control details

LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control details

Ihe nlereanya


Ihe onwunwe



Wuru na-12V 4.5Ah (1400G) ụzọ-acid rechargeable batrị


AC / DC arụ ọrụ


Ìhè abalị


AC 100-240V

Ugboro ugboro


Oge ọrụ

3.5 awa / High ọsọ

8 awa / Low ọsọ

Ụgwọ oge

8-10Awa zuru ezu ụgwọ

Ụgwọ egosi



* Site na njikwa dịpụrụ adịpụ.
* Automatic ìhè-elu mgbe ike ọdịda.
* Elu nwere ike ịgbanwe.


Nchọgharị metụtara