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Anyanwụ Guzosie Fan

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18 Inch Oscillating Free Stand Floor Fan 16 Inch Rechargeable Solar Electric Standing Fan With Remote Control

18 Inch Oscillating Free Stand Floor Fan 16 Inch Rechargeable Solar Electric Kwụ Fan Na Remote Control

  • Nchịkọta
  • Nyocha
  • Metụtara Products
18 Inch Oscillating Free Stand Floor Fan 16 Inch Rechargeable Solar Electric Standing Fan With Remote Control
18 Inch Oscillating Free Stand Floor Fan 16 Inch Rechargeable Solar Electric Standing Fan With Remote Control
18 Inch Oscillating Free Stand Floor Fan 16 Inch Rechargeable Solar Electric Standing Fan With Remote Control
18 Inch Oscillating Free Stand Floor Fan 16 Inch Rechargeable Solar Electric Standing Fan With Remote Control
18 Inch Oscillating Free Stand Floor Fan 16 Inch Rechargeable Solar Electric Standing Fan With Remote Control
18 Inch Oscillating Free Stand Floor Fan 16 Inch Rechargeable Solar Electric Standing Fan With Remote Control
18 Inch Oscillating Free Stand Floor Fan 16 Inch Rechargeable Solar Electric Standing Fan With Remote Control
18 Inch Oscillating Free Stand Floor Fan 16 Inch Rechargeable Solar Electric Standing Fan With Remote Control
18 Inch Oscillating Free Stand Floor Fan 16 Inch Rechargeable Solar Electric Standing Fan With Remote Control
18 Inch Oscillating Free Stand Floor Fan 16 Inch Rechargeable Solar Electric Standing Fan With Remote Control
18 Inch Oscillating Free Stand Floor Fan 16 Inch Rechargeable Solar Electric Standing Fan With Remote Control
18 Inch Oscillating Free Stand Floor Fan 16 Inch Rechargeable Solar Electric Standing Fan With Remote Control
18 Inch Oscillating Free Stand Floor Fan 16 Inch Rechargeable Solar Electric Standing Fan With Remote Control by Ani Technology bụ ngwọta dị jụụ dị elu. Na ihe 18-anụ ọhịa oscillating imewe na a 16-anụ ọhịa rechargeable anyanwụ-kwadoro ofufe, ọ na-enye oru oma ikuku mgbasa. The remote akara na-enye adaba ọrụ.


Key Atụmatụ:

  • 18-anụ ọhịa oscillating maka obosara mkpuchi.
  • 16-anụ ọhịa rechargeable anyanwụ electric fan.
  • Remote control maka mfe nke iji.


Onye ofufe a dị mma maka iji ya mee ihe n'ime nnukwu ụlọ, ebe obibi, ọfịs, na oghere dị n'èzí. Ọ na-enye ikuku na-enye ume ọhụrụ ma nwee ike ịgbanwe ya n'ụzọ dị mfe na njikwa dịpụrụ adịpụ. Ọ dị mma maka ma ime ụlọ ma n'èzí, na-eme ka ọ bụrụ nhọrọ dịgasị iche iche maka ntọala dị iche iche.



Q: Olee usoro ịkwụ ụgwọ ị na-anabata?

A: T / T, L / C, Western Union, Gram ego, PayPal, Ịkwụ Ụgwọ Nchekwa, Nkwenye Ahia.


Q: Gịnị bụ gị ngwaahịa àgwà?

A: Anyị akụrụngwa na-zụrụ si ruru eru suppliers, Na anyị nwere a ike àgwà akara otu na-ekwe nkwa anyị ngwaahịa mma.


Q: Ị na-anabata OEM / ODM?

A: Anyị na-anabata ma OEM na ODM oru ngo. Anyị nwere ọkachamara technician otu maka emebe na-emepe emepe.


Q: Ebee ka m nwere ike nweta nkọwa zuru ezu banyere ngwaahịa a? Katalọgụ na ndepụta ọnụahịa?

A: Biko kpọtụrụ m maka nkọwa,ekele!



Q: Olee otú anyị na-arụ ọrụ?

A: Anyị bụ nnọọ ezi obi na-eme azụmahịa na ị, na-ejikarị, mgbe iji kwadoro na nkwụnye ego akwụ ụgwọ, uka mmepụta ga-arranged.we'll na-ị posted banyere ọnọdụ nke mmepụta. Mgbe ọ gwụchara, anyị ga-ahazi ụzọ mbupu n'ụlọ ọrụ gị zuru ụwa ọnụ.


Nchọgharị metụtara