ሁሉም ምድቦች

የፀሐይ ስታንድ ፋን

ቤት >  ምርቶች  >  የፀሐይ ፋና  >  የፀሐይ ስታንድ ፋን

LD-421 battery operated 16 Inch rechargeable solar panel fan solar powered outdoor fans solar fan with remote brushless dc motor

LD-421 ባትሪ የ 16 ኢንች ዳግም የሚከናነስ የፀሐይ ፓነል አድናቂ የፀሐይ ኃይል ከቤት ውጭ ደጋፊዎች የፀሐይ አድናቂዎች በሩቅ brushless dc ሞተር

(1)በፀሐይ ፓነል መጫን

(2)BLDC ሞተር ጋር 2 ዓመት ዋስትና

(3)የ AC Adapter ጋር ቻርጅ ማድረግ

(4)የርቀት መቆጣጠሪያ

(5)Lithium-ion ባትሪ

(6)5V የውጤት ቻርጅ የተንቀሳቃሽ ስልክ

  • አጠቃላይ እይታ
  • ፓራሜትር
  • ጥያቄ
  • ተዛማጅ ምርቶች
LD-421 battery operated 16 Inch rechargeable solar panel fan solar powered outdoor fans solar fan with remote brushless dc motor
LD-421 battery operated 16 Inch rechargeable solar panel fan solar powered outdoor fans solar fan with remote brushless dc motor
LD-421 battery operated 16 Inch rechargeable solar panel fan solar powered outdoor fans solar fan with remote brushless dc motor
LD-421 battery operated 16 Inch rechargeable solar panel fan solar powered outdoor fans solar fan with remote brushless dc motor
LD-421 battery operated 16 Inch rechargeable solar panel fan solar powered outdoor fans solar fan with remote brushless dc motor
LD-421 battery operated 16 Inch rechargeable solar panel fan solar powered outdoor fans solar fan with remote brushless dc motor
LD-421 battery operated 16 Inch rechargeable solar panel fan solar powered outdoor fans solar fan with remote brushless dc motor
LD-421 battery operated 16 Inch rechargeable solar panel fan solar powered outdoor fans solar fan with remote brushless dc motor
LD-421 battery operated 16 Inch rechargeable solar panel fan solar powered outdoor fans solar fan with remote brushless dc motor
LD-421 battery operated 16 Inch rechargeable solar panel fan solar powered outdoor fans solar fan with remote brushless dc motor
LD-421 battery operated 16 Inch rechargeable solar panel fan solar powered outdoor fans solar fan with remote brushless dc motor
LD-421 battery operated 16 Inch rechargeable solar panel fan solar powered outdoor fans solar fan with remote brushless dc motor
LD-421 ከአኒ ቴክኖሎጂ በባትሪ የሚሰራ የፀሐይ ስታንድ አድናቂ ነው። የ 16 ኢንች መጠን ጋር ኃይለኛ የአየር ዝውውር ያቀርባል. ይህ አፋኝ የሚንቀሳቀሰው እንደገና ሊከፈል የሚችል የፀሐይ ፓነል ነው፤ ይህም ከቤት ውጭ ጥቅም ላይ እንዲውል ተስማሚ ያደርገዋል። ከሩቅ መቆጣጠሪያ ጋር የሚመጣ ሲሆን ውጤታማና ጸጥታ የሰፈነበት ሥራ የሚከናውን ብሩሽ የሌለው ዲሲ ሞተር አለው።


ዋና ዋና ገጽታዎች

  • ውጤታማ ቀዝቃዛ ለማድረግ 16 ኢንች መጠን.
  • ባትሪ በፀሐይ ፓነል አማካኝነት የሚሰራ እና እንደገና የሚከፋፍል.
  • ለተመቻቹ ቀዶ ጥገና የርቀት መቆጣጠሪያ.
  • Brushless ዲሲ ሞተር ለውጤታማነት እና ጸጥታ...


ይህ አድናቂ እንደ ካምፕ፣ ሽርሽርና የባሕር ዳርቻ የመሳሰሉ እንቅስቃሴዎችን ለማከናወን ተስማሚ ነው። በተጨማሪም በግቢው፣ በየደረጃውና በአትክልት ቦታዎች ላይ ሊያገለግል ይችላል። የርቀት መቆጣጠሪያው የአድናቂውን አቀማመጥ ከሩቅ በቀላሉ ማስተካከል እንዲቻል የሚያደርግ ሲሆን የፀሐይ ኃይልና ብሩሽ የሌለው ሞተር ደግሞ አስተማማኝና ሥነ ምህዳራዊ በሆነ መንገድ እንዲከናወነው ያደርጋል።

LD-421 battery operated 16 Inch rechargeable solar panel fan solar powered outdoor fans solar fan with remote brushless dc motor factory

LD-421 battery operated 16 Inch rechargeable solar panel fan solar powered outdoor fans solar fan with remote brushless dc motor manufacture

LD-421 battery operated 16 Inch rechargeable solar panel fan solar powered outdoor fans solar fan with remote brushless dc motor factory

LD-421 battery operated 16 Inch rechargeable solar panel fan solar powered outdoor fans solar fan with remote brushless dc motor details

LD-421 battery operated 16 Inch rechargeable solar panel fan solar powered outdoor fans solar fan with remote brushless dc motor manufacture

LD-421 battery operated 16 Inch rechargeable solar panel fan solar powered outdoor fans solar fan with remote brushless dc motor supplier

LD-421 battery operated 16 Inch rechargeable solar panel fan solar powered outdoor fans solar fan with remote brushless dc motor supplier

LD-421 battery operated 16 Inch rechargeable solar panel fan solar powered outdoor fans solar fan with remote brushless dc motor manufacture

ሞዴል ቁ.



12V ዲሲ Brushless ሞተር

ደረጃ የተሰጠው ኃይል


ደረጃ የተሰጠው ቮልቴጅ

12V ዲሲ

 AC /ዲሲ Adaptor Input


AC /ዲሲ Adaptor Output


ማይክሮ የ USB Input

5V, 2A

ማይክሮ የ USB ውጤት

5V, 2A


ሊቲየም ባትሪ

የባትሪ አቅም



16 ኢንች


3 ምላጭ ወይም 5 ምላጭ 

የብሌድ መጠን

14 ኢንች

የፍጥነት መቆጣጠሪያ

3 ፍጥነቶች

ማክስ rpm




Adaptor ገመድ ርዝመት


የክፍያ ጊዜ

4.5-5 ሰዓት

የመፍሰስ ጊዜ


LED መብራት

15 LED መብራት



 ባትሪ ዝቅተኛ ኩነት ጥበቃ




የሞተር ዋስትና

2 ዓመት በኪራይ

የ USB ውጤት, የርቀት,  የጊዜ ሰሌዳ ልምዱ ነው 


የተመከሩ ምርቶች

ተዛማጅ ፍለጋ